Kerosene Pressure Lamps The Non-Electric Lighting Series by Ron Brown.
USD $17.95
Kerosene Pressure Lamps is Book 6 of Ron Brown’s Non-Electric Series. Lanterns that use mantles produce light on par with electric lights. Kerosene Fueled mantle lanterns have an advantage over Coleman-fuel lamps in that kerosene is more generic, more widely available. This book describes six different Coleman models, old and new, made specifically for kerosene. The emphasis is on practical, day-to-day lighting. It gives the specifics on converting nine different Coleman gas lanterns to kerosene (what generator to use, etc.). It also explains Petromax lanterns, a pre-World War II German design. Today, world-wide, there are actually more Petromax lanterns (and Petromax clones) in existence than Coleman. And it explains Aladdin lamps, kerosene lamps that use a mantle but are not pressurized.
Kerosene Pressure Lamps The Non-Electric Lighting Series by Ron Brown.
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