Aladdin Oil Lamp Chimneys R905 and R910 to be Discontinued.

June 2019 – Crownplace Brands (CPB) has advised Aladdin Lamp Dealers of their decision to discontinue some types of Aladdin Oil Lamp Chimneys.
With the introduction of the MAXbrite Burner and the MAXbrite series chimneys, CPB has elected to substitute the R905 Heel-less High Altitude Chimney and the R910 Heel-less chimney with similar MaxBrite Versions.
Citing duplicated inventory, it’s understandable CPB made this change. With only slight dimensional differences between the 900 series chimneys and the latest MaxBrite chimneys, this change will simplify inventory for the entire supply chain, make chimney selection easier for consumers, without sacrificing performance of lamps using the heel-less type chimney.
Aladdin Lox-on chimneys in both standard and high altitude versions are not affected by this change.